What Is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is an Alternative Holistic Manual Therapy that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment & rehabilitation of a number of medical conditions.
It is based around 4 Key Principles:
- The Body is a Whole
- Structure Governs Function
- The Artery (Blood) is supreme
- The Body has its Own Medicine Chest
Osteopathy embraces the philosophy that the ‘Body is a Whole’, and any imbalances to one’s Physical Structure (including Bones, Muscles, Fascia, Tendons, Ligaments) or Mental Well-being will affects one’s overall health.
As Osteopaths we seek to address any mechanical ‘dysfunction’(s) within the body in order to help restore the musculoskeletal system (Bones, Muscles, Fascia, and Ligaments) to a state of balance; as when the body is balanced, it has the ideal environment to self-heal & function optimally, thus preventing further illness.
In order to help your body achieve a state of ‘Balance’ your Osteopath will follow the Key 4 principles.
They will evaluate and assess your whole body, with specific focus on the area causing your symptoms. They will also address any Environmental & Lifestyle factors that could be contributing to your body’s current state.
Your Osteopath will use a variety of Hands-On Techniques to help guide your body to heal itself.
These techniques could include Soft Tissue Massage, Joint Manipulations, Stretching and Muscle Energy Techniques, all of which will help improve joint mobility, relieve muscle tension and promote blood & nerve supply to tissues.
Your Osteopath will also provide Health Advice & Exercises to promote postural correction and self-healing.
Osteopaths are Highly Trained Medical Professionals. All Osteopaths must complete a 4 year medical degrees where they obtain specialist training and complete over 1000+ hours of clinical placements.
Osteopaths are recognised by the NHS as Allied Health Professionals and often work closely with other Healthcare Professionals such as Spinal Consultants, Physios and Specialist Sports Doctors.
It is a safe and effective profession that is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).
Osteopaths are trained to treat patients from all walks of life, including children, babies, adults, elderly, and athletes.
Many people believe Osteopathy is all about Backs, and while it is definitely something we see a lot of, we treat so much more than that!!
If you are interested in Osteopathy & what we treat visit our blog post’s by clicking HERE.
We are here to help give your body a helping hand. If you would like to try Osteopathy or know you need a treatment give your local Osteopath a Call Today!